OSL Risk Management IT Sponsors
Certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM Accreditation)
CQRM training course will teach professionals how to acquire updated and practical knowledge in risk management from a quantitative approach to measure, analyse and make decisions.

CQRM - Professional Qualification
Accelerate your professional career with the most advanced accreditation in Quantitative Risk Management. Methods and analytical tools to measure, analyse and make informed decisions.
IIPER is a member of the prestigious AACSB (Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business), one of the largest U.S. accreditation agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
IIPER collaborates with many international organizations. Participants can obtain between 30 to 45 PDUs, CPDs and CEs (continuing education credits) from the PMI, CFA Institute, IRM, Energy Institute, Schemed, among others .
CQRM helps individuals to maximize and update their skills, knowledge, and experience in quantitative methods and risk management, ensuring clear paths to success within their current role and progression to future ones."
OSL Risk Management provides Analytical and IT solutions to perform Risk Modelling and Simulation, Integrated Risk Management, Optimization, Forecasting, and Real Options Analysis to obtain the CQRM Accreditation and perform risk quantification and risk-based decision support.

Powerful Excel Add-In software to perform Monte Carlo simulations, forecasting, statistical analysis, decision trees, optimization, and much more.

Powerful analytical tool to analyze and value real options, financial options, exotic options, and employee stock options (ESO).
Unleash your Potential in Quantitative Risk Management, Strategic Real Options and Decision Analytics."
- To be internationally certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM-IIPER).
- Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from world experts with outstanding credentials and extensive practical experience in quantitative methods and risk management.
- Understand how to make more informed decisions in times of uncertainty and achieve better business outcomes.
- Learn about the latest theoretical approaches and practical risk management and decision support applications.
- Update and immerse in techniques that allow you to understand the past and present and more accurately forecast the future.
- Model industry-specific problems and implement risk analysis using Risk Simulator, Real Options SLS, and PEAT tools, capable of analyzing large volumes of information and working with the latest implementation of risk management analytics.
MODULE 1: Introduction to Risk Analysis
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Training and what to expect
Chapter 2: How Are Business Decisions Made?
Chapter 3: What is Risk and Why Should Risk be Considered?
Chapter 4: Overview of Risk Analysis Software Applications
MODULE 2: Monte Carlo Simulation with Risk Simulator
Chapter 1: Overview of Risk Simulator Software
Chapter 2: Profiling, Assumptions, Forecasts and Running Simulations
Chapter 3: Interpreting the Forecast Statistics
Chapter 4: Simulation Run Preferences and Seed Values
Chapter 5: Running Reports, Saving and Extracting Simulation Data
MODULE 3: Advanced Simulation Techniques
Chapter 1: Correlating and Truncating Distributions
Chapter 2: Alternate Parameters
Chapter 3: Multidimensional Simulations
Chapter 4: Distributional Fitting
Chapter 5: Due Diligence and Pitfalls in Simulation
MODULE 4: Simulation and Analytical Tools
Chapter 1: Static Tornado and Spider Charts
Chapter 2: Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis and Scenario Analysis
Chapter 3: Hypothesis Test on Different Distributions
Chapter 4: Nonparametric Bootstrap Simulation
MODULE 5: Optimization with Risk Simulator
Chapter 1: Introduction to Optimization
Chapter 2: Continuous Optimization
Chapter 3: Integer Optimization
MODULE 6: Forecasting
Chapter 1: Overview of Forecasting Techniques and Data Types
Chapter 2: Forecasting Without Data
Chapter 3: Time-Series Analysis Forecasting
Chapter 4: Nonlinear Extrapolation
Chapter 5: Multivariate Linear and Nonlinear Regression Analysis
Chapter 6: Stochastic Processes
Chapter 7: Advanced Forecasting: Box-Jenkins ARIMA and Auto ARIMA, GARCH, J-Curve, S-Curves, Markov Chains, Data Diagnostics, Statistical Properties, Basic Econometrics
MODULE 7: Real Options Analysis: Theory and Background
Chapter 1: Real Options: What, Where, Who, When, How, and Why?
Chapter 2: Sample Applied Business Cases
Chapter 3: Overview of Different Options Valuation Techniques
Chapter 4: Risk-Neutral Probability Technique
Chapter 5: Solving a Basic European and American Call Option
Chapter 6: Using Excel to Solve a Basic European and American Call Option
Chapter 7: Abandonment, Expansion, Contraction, and Chooser Options
MODULE 8: Real Options Analysis: Application with SLS Software
Chapter 1: Overview of the Different SLS Modules and Volatility Estimates
Chapter 2: Volatility Estimates
Chapter 3: Options with Changing Inputs and Customized Exotic Options
Chapter 4: MSLS: Multiple Sequential Compound Options
Chapter 5: MNLS: Solving Mean-Reverting, Jump-Diffusion, and Dual-Asset Rainbow Options using Trinomial, Quadranomial, and Pentanomial Lattices
Chapter 6: Framing Real Options—Structuring the Problem
Chapter 7: The Next Steps…
CQRM Program Director
Prof. Dr Johnathan Mun | PhD, MS, MBA, BS, CQRM, FRM, CFC, MIFC.
👨⚖️ Chairman of OSL Analytics Academy (UK) and CEO of Real Options Valuation (US).
🏛 Dr Mun is the IIPER-CQRM’s Program Director coordinating worldwide executive programs and professional accreditations in quantitative methods and risk management and enhancing high-quality teaching across OSL Analytics Academy and among the IIPER Certified Trainers.
👨🎓 He has a Ph.D. in finance and economics, an MBA in business administration, an M.S. in the area of management science, and a BS in applied sciences. He is certified in Financial Risk Management (FRM), Certified in Financial Consulting (CFC), and Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM).
👨🏫 As the software’s creator, with more than 12 patents and 10,000 pages of copyrighted materials, he teaches Risk Analysis, Real Options for Analysts, Risk Analysis for Managers, CQRM, and other courses. He has written over 25 books on the topic of risk management. Dr. Mun has consulted many Fortune 500 firms and the U.S. Department of Defence.
📚 He is also a full professor at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and has held other adjunct professorships at various universities. In addition, he has published more than 200 academic articles in top well-know peer-review journals.
Decision maker, managers, researcher, practitioner, and professionals who want to obtain the fully-accredited Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) for implement concepts, models, and techniques related to risk modelling, real options, and valuation in Financial and insurance, Oil and gas, Electricity, Construction, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining, Consulting and professional services, Health management, Aerospace, Technology and telecommunications, Logistics, Transportation and Storage, Education and research, Public administration and defence, Real state, Utilities, Food services, among others.
Also, please contact suppport@oslriskmanagement.com for further details, pricing, quotes, or especial requirements.
- The CQRM can be taken online at www.OSLAnalyticsAcademy.com (CQRM Accreditation) or face-to-face in-company or accreditation centres.
- Student or Academic registrations: Attendees must provide proof of the university status at the time of booking to qualify for price discounts.
- Additional discounts are available for multiple registrations.
- In some cases, delegates are provided with temporary licences for the advanced analytics software used in the course.
- They will be instructed to download and install the software tools prior to the start of the course.
- Payment of course fees is required prior to the course start date.
- Please contact suppport@oslriskmanagement.com for further details, pricing, quotes, or special requirements.
- Download your CQRM brochure here!